Migrate Ramper V2 on Super App
To enhance performance and improve user experience, we have launched the latest version for social login.
Please update to the latest version and log in using it.
We will discontinue support for the old version on December 31, 2024.
1. AppleID / Facebook
Step 1: Access the Saros Super App.
For existing users, proceed to Step 2
For new users, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3:
Select “Social Wallet” → it will navigate to the web view.
Choose social wallet method “Apple ID” or “Facebook“
Step 4: Introduce new version screen. Click "Update" to log in to your chosen social account.
After the update, you will have 2 wallets under the same AppleID/Facebook account. Their addresses are different, since one is in the Old version (has “Old version“ label), and the other is in New.
Click "How to add New version wallet" for Saros user guide.
2. Email
a. Method 1: Login again
Step 1: Access the Saros Super App.
For existing users, proceed to Step 2
For new users, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3:
Select “Social Wallet” → it will navigate to the web view.
Choose social wallet method “Email“
Step 4: Enter your Email, click "Continue" and Saros will send a verification email to your inbox.
Step 5: After clicking on the verification email in your inbox:
If your email already has a wallet in the Old version and no wallet in the New version → proceed to Step 6.
If your email doesn't have a wallet in the Old/New version or already has a wallet in the New version → wait for a few minutes, and then log into that wallet.
Step 6: Show introduction screen. Click "Update" to initiate the migration process, and Saros will send the second verification email to your inbox.
Step 7: After clicking on the second verification email in your inbox, the process begins to load and update your wallet.
b. Method 2: Update from Old version wallet
Pre-condition: User has Old version wallets
Step 1: On token screen, access the "Old Version" wallet, and click the "Update" button to start a process similar to step 6.
Notes: The Email or Google address and assets from the Old Version remain unchanged in the New version.
3. Google
a. Method 1: Login again
Step 1: Access the Saros Super App.
For existing users, proceed to Step 2
For new users, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3:
Select “Social Wallet” → it will navigate to the web view.
Choose social wallet method “Google“
Step 4: Choose Google account
Step 5: After selecting the Google account:
If the Google account has a wallet in the Old version but not in the New version → proceed to Step 6.
If the Google account does not have a wallet in the Old version or already has a wallet in the New version → log into that wallet.
Step 6:
Show introduction screen for user identification.
Click "Choose account to update" to begin the migration process and display a list of Google accounts for the user to select.
User must choose the same account as the first selection made in Step 4.
Step 7: Start loading and update that wallet
b. Method 2: Update from Old version wallet
Pre-condition: User has Old version wallets
Step 1: On token screen, access the "Old Version" wallet, and click the "Update" button to start a process similar to step 6.
User must choose the same account as login wallet
Notes: The Email or Google address and assets from the Old Version remain unchanged in the New version.
Last updated